Natural Mystic: India Arie
Last Saturday, hubby really pulled one off. He still manages to surprise me after all these years of being together (actually, the fact that he tolerates my daily bouts of insanity is the real shocker, but I digress...). He saw a billboard for a concert called "Jazz in the Gardens" featuring one of my favorite female artists, India.Arie I've loved EVERY song she's put on out her 2 albums and some soundtrack features so far, and this was a date weekend I will never forget. We arrived at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens and I was still not sure what the day was to bring. Hub recruited a couple of our friends to share in the festivities, just another bonus for the day.
Not even intermittent rain could dampen this for me - and believe me it tried. She performed older and newer songs, and the whole thing was amplified because we lucked out and got seats 5 rows back from the stage!
I highly recommend you check her out if you're not familiar with her music. She sings such positive and genuine lyrics, and the best way I can describe her is to say that she's REAL. At times, I thought she was getting just as much joy from us as we were from her!
I feel very fortunate to spend my life with someone who cares about what I like, heck often shares those likes, and then makes an effort to surround me with things that keep me smiling.
Can you tell he's earned his brownie points for the month?