Oct 30, 2006


Hello darlings!
It's been a while, and I'm posting now to say...it's going to be a while!

I found out late Friday night that my "real" job is closing our division and my services (and that of several others) are no longer needed. Now...I'm in no way freaked out by this (yet), and I have been through this a time or two before, so I consider this just another detour on the journey, with new things to see and do on the next route.

I do have to minimize some of my online activities though, mostly because hours of job searching can just suck the fun out of being in front of the computer. Also, since my time will be split between job hunting and working part time at my local yarn store (yes, you read that right), I won't be blogging regularly for the next few weeks.
I have projects on the needles to tend to though, and a wedding coming up...so I should have some nice photos to share when this little hiatus is over.

I'm thinking of you, and I'll be visiting with you in the cybersphere and otherwise whenever I can. But in the mean time - BE WELL!!

Oct 24, 2006

My Best Friend's Wedding (Part 1)

(Because I'm sure to be writing about this again when it actually happens)

I hosted and attended my best friend Neicey's Bridal Tea this past weekend. Such a great afternoon at a lovely Tea Room called Tea at Lily's, complete with antique decor, country charm, and a sweet British proprietor who treated us like the group of sophisticated and cultured women we are (mostly). Fine china, finger sandwiches and rich desserts, we had it all! And most importantly, we made many a toast and tribute to my dearest friend.

On November 18th, she will be marrying Mark...a person I have quickly grown to love; at first his appeal came mostly from the fact that he makes Neicey SO happy, but then he stepped up to become part of our family in his own right. He and hubby get along really well too, and you know that always helps when us girls want to sneak away and talk about the really juicy stuff - like...um them, for example.


The highlight of an already amazing afternoon was to see so many other people honoring someone I already admire so much. A very close second though was her reaction to my gift. Typical Neicey, she was browsing in Marshalls and found something she thought I would like and immediately bought it for me. It's the book Hollywood Style Knits by Suss Cousins. Ultra hip, and not to complex patterns in there. Neicey pointed out the Funky Purse pattern as something she really like. I just giggled to myself - visions of a gauge swatch already dancing in my head. I knit the purse and lined it with some Chinese Silk fabric and added a flower and some bamboo handles. I added the Airy Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts (I really *heart* that book), and WAHLA! She opened it and gasped, and I even heard someone say she was getting teary-eyed, but I can't confirm that. Suffice it to say that I was SO pleased that she liked it, and that for once I was able to keep something a secret until just the right moment. Her appreciation made every loving stitch (and every needle prick) worth it.


Love you Neicey! Can't wait to get my dancing shoes on and stand next to you on W Day!

Oct 23, 2006

Vacation Photos

I have the pictures back from our trip!

I have included them here as a Flickr Slideshow so you can browse them at your leisure. Thanks to everyone who already left comments. You guys make me blush (though it may be hard to tell..hee hee).

Our trip highlights included a trip to Hershey, PA to be surrounded by all things chocolate (even the ketchup, I kid you not); cool nights on the patio with the Tylers and TOO good wine; watching the cutie pies get along like they've always been friends with Rayna; climbing around the rock outcrop in Central Park; strolling through Hershey Gardens; the crunch of colorful leaves underfoot; and of course - the joy of being right there with my little ones during the take off of their first flight!

Have a great week everyone! I have an afghan to work on, so my posting may be limited (I need to be mostly done with it in less than 1 month - don't you just love my delusional knit schedules???).


Oct 17, 2006

MY NEW BUTTON (and some bonus beats)

Good morning fine people!!

I have the pleasure this morning of featuring the talents of one of my very very good friends, lovingly knows as Mr. 'Sheed(a dapper young man, but if you'd ever met him, you would know that the "Mr" is well-deserved). I have seen some of his graphics work over the years and he continues to blow me away (he writes poetry too ladies *swoon*). He's a fellow
Rattler and just a generally great person. I was thrilled when he agreed to create a button for my blog. Now...I wish I still had the original email request I sent him to do this for me because it would really show you how he took my very random instructions and made them into art. It went something like this ..."Ahhhh...I want it to include some color, and...um, maybe it should combine the things that I'm into, mostly knitting and yoga..and...errr... it should be small, you know...button size?" Sheesh. Well, he's a natural, so he came up with this

Don't you love it??

It's yours for the taking darlings! (just save to your own server please). Post it, share it, use it at will. If you or someone you know is in the market for some outstanding graphics work...let me know, and I'll be sure that you and Mr. Mustakeem get in touch! He promises he'll have his own blog up soon!


Because we can all use a little rythmic distraction now and then, check out this little ditty. (Thanks to my also ultra talented friend Gia who first shared this with me...you ought to see what SHE can do with some drums...more on that another time.)

Oct 13, 2006

Vacation Mathematics

Hello All!
I'm sending just a quick update about our vacation for now...More details soon.
We arrived in New Jersey Tuesday evening, then drove over to Hershey, PA on Wednesday (yes, that Hershey...I can't even begin to tell you). We're traveling with my co-worker and his family, and he and I had actual work to do on Thursday and Friday, while hubby and the kiddies did some touring.

There are schools of thought that believe math is the basis of all things, so I thought I'd use that theme to share some vacation math with you. ..

Principle #1
The number of Fritos remaining in the bag is inversely proportional to the width of the upper thigh in inches (it also has a direct relationship to the number of completed knitted rows...knit, purl, crumb, knit, purl...)

Principle #2
The amount of joy a toddler experiences at taking their first flight is multiplied exponentially by the number of toddlers included in the equation (double your fun!)
Click here to see a video

Principle #3
The cuteness factor is also multiplied exponentially by the number of toddlers included in the equation.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Principle #4
When on vacation, the number of parents must always exceed the number of chilren under 4 feet tall by at least 1; an exception applies if the adult is "high" on crisp autumn air and lulled into taking on any challenge.

Principle #5
There is a common theory that increased absence increases the fondness of the heart, however, nearness also has it's place.

Many more photos to come (my other camera is an SLR, you know the deal)

Oct 9, 2006

The Year of the Blog

It's official - Happy Blogiversary to me!

Yep, approximately 365 days since I timidly started this blogging thingy. Funny how it all started, I was chatting with my friend Nancy about how to get her crafty creations out to the masses via cyberspace. Resourceful as always, she found information on these free web posting things called blogs, emailed me info on how to start one and away we went!

So...although I have no staggering news to share or prizes to give away, and no cool contests here, but reflection does have its place. Here are a few things I've really enjoyed about having a blog:

  • Complete strangers have read what I have written in an exhaustive stupor and then respond with such positivity that I can't help but to grin all over myself
  • Waiting in airports is not nearly as tedious when I can write about something, read comments about that thing, and then link to other very interesting (although sometimes completely unrelated) posts written by someone else...the distraction factor of blogging is paramount.
  • Gone are my fears of the "blind-meetup"; the people I have met in person because of blog comraderie and following site links from my blog have just re-affirmed my faith in genuine human coolness.
  • Though not everyone who visits my blog shouts out in the comments, I know somehow that they come by every now and then because they care about what's happening on my side of the planet (and to see the photos of yarn). Warm & fuzzy feelings abound.
  • This blog has been a much needed creative outlet. I get excited when the itch to post hits me...and when Blogger is cooperating and I can actually load words and pictures of My Life As It Happens, I get a rush from that that my techy job doesn't always provide.
  • There is a certain accountability to writing about doing something (fasting, knitting, increasing my gratitude), then knowing that once people read it, the burden is now on me to actually do it - I crave that...and I'm thankful that I've received the rewards of those things by sharing them with you!

Thanks to each of you that has been a part of this year of babbling I call a blog!

For my blog sibs out there, peeking into your worlds through your words and pictures has been a great pleasure for me - thank you for sharing! For my blogless buddies who still make time to come out here and look, thank you for your time! And to those of you that visit here consistently and inspire me with your feedback, thank you for your love and your light.

Oct 2, 2006

Ok, On Three........Awwwwww

As promised, Rayna's mommy and daddy sent me photos of her modeling the Girlfriend Swing Coat I made for her (thank you Tylers!!). These photos don't need much preamble, so....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I think little Rayna likes it too

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I was so grateful to have the chance to knit this. It challenged me, and I came out of it alright; happy to know that someone I really like is wearing something I really made! Loverly.

One day I'll be better about writing up project stats, but for now, if you want to know anything about how this was knit, pattern, yarn, etc, nudge me in the comments and I'll gladly send you the info!

Back in Milwaukee today and tomorrow! Missing you much, but I'll be home soon - MWAH!