In Memory of a Renaissance Man...Gordon Parks
When there's danger all about?
Right On!
tugging it forward then sideways then backward up the incline. Being a veteran ant-watcher, Newt tracked its course near perfect over the rough and slippery terrain."
Ella Watson, a Washington, D.C. charwoman shown here in one of Parks' most famous photographs taken in 1942. - Library of Congress
Gordon Parks was an author, songwriter, screen writer, musician, and Life Magazine's first black photographer. His passing yesterday at the age of 93 is the subject of a very enlightening NPR interview that I highly recommend. I learned two main things listening to this story...(1) we know and love so many things, but have no idea where they came from or who created them, and (2) you absolutely CAN do all the creative and inspiring things you love and be good at them.
We are so fortunate that people like Mr. Parks honor us for a time, stay for a while, and leave us with so rich a legacy to enjoy.
Yeah - I listen to NPR talk's got a good beat. And sometimes...I dance to it.