2009 Goals & Come See Our New Shop!
If you make a list of items you intend to work on, strive toward, and (gasp!) successfully accomplish within a certain time frame, but you do it in December - can you avoid calling them Resolutions? Well, if it's your blog, I would say the answer is yes! :)
The following "2009 Goals" are all related to my craft. The Life List is a work in progress...don't ask.
I may or may not come back and update this, but here is what I've got so far (with some knit pics mixed in to add some color):Reduce my carbon footprint:
- Print patterns only when I'm ready to actually make an item; this is one of the lynchpins to my ultimate goal of keeping a cleaner more organized work and craft space (somehow the craft bleeds over into the work area quite consistently, go figure.)
- Use more naturally made and animal fiber yarns; I really don't know the science here, but if a yarn is 100% plastics-based and flammable to boot, I'm open to all options that will justify me replacing it with a woollier or furrier alternative.
- Get at least 3 more sweaters from Goodwill to unravel and re-fashion into something great.
- Go one full quarter without buying a magazine, pattern booklet, or knitting book.
- Go one full quarter without printing a pattern; naturally I can make things by viewing the patterns on screen, but similar to Goal #1 this will mean less paper stacked up around me - and perhaps more FOs will be piled up around me instead?
Find my style:
- Select projects from each of these categories to knit for myself: socks, sweater, hat, shawl/wrap/stole. The intent here is to find just the right fit and style for my body type and my (sorely lacking) fashion sense
- Swatch, knit, repeat
Branch out:
- Learn and try at least 5 new techniques in knitting and/or crochet. I anticipate that this will go hand-in-hand with the previous Goal of finding my style
- Attend a workshop or class through my LYS or a store I find while traveling.
Grow the business for my new Etsy Shop - Taaa Daaaaaaa!!
A joint venture with my girl Tangodiva. Think outside the brand - buy handmade!
That's as far as I've reached in the thinking process. I'm sure there will be more to come because overachieving with list MAKING is one of my specialities.
Your turn!!