Jun 12, 2008

This One? She's Alright by Me

My oldest is, and has always been, a very observant child. If there is one major thing that homeschooling has taught us, it is that the things children learn from watching and listening far outweigh the things they learn from books and direct instruction.

That didn't stop me from being blown away at my 6-year old's effort to support the preservation of the romantic spark between her parents. One morning she came to me and said "Mommy, I have something for you, but Daddy has to give it to you". At which point she tugged me by the hand to where Daddy was, told me close my eyes, and then said "Now Daddy, give this to Mommy - Mommy open your eyes!"

Love Note Side 1

"Now turn it over Mommy!"

Love Note Side 2

My dear readers, there are many many days that I get reminders like this one that it's VERY cool to have these particular daughters. Very cool indeed.