Aug 30, 2006

People Were Still Buying Perms & Cabbage

Just a quick update for those of you that were following Hurricane Tropical Storm Tropical Depression Sun Shower Ernesto and sending your thoughts of concern and hopes for the best.

We're fine!! It's raining, but the internet..err...electricity is on and working. I'm very grateful that we didn't spend more time putting up hurricane shutters and that we focused more on the important things like increasing the calorie content of the pantry.

My friend Opal made a very poignant comment yesterday to assure me that Ernesto had indeed punked out, and that we had no reason to worry. As she put it:

"Sonny's [BBQ] was jumpin, they were hanging over the rail at Bone Fish Grill, and people were moseying thru WalMart buying perms and cabbage..."

She really knows just how to put me at ease.