Things to Do At Book Club (when you didn't finish reading the book)
This past Saturday was one that reminded me how great it is to be an adult - with kids - who still takes time out to socialize. I started the morning cleaning up from a girl cousin sleep over pajama jammy jam and got the girls ready to head to our friends' condo. We hung out by the pool with 2 other couples and my girl Kel. I was working on starting some dreadlocks for my friends brother, the girls were swimming out all their energy, and everyone else ate, drank, and got merry. As though that wasn't enough, that evening I went to my first Book Club meeting in months! Naturally I hadn't finished the book because the 32 hour day has yet to be invented that would allow such things. But my literary cohorts are ever so forgiving. They let me chime in with my blathering about the first 100+ pages and didn't scorn me a bit...funny how sharing June Bugs can make you so unpretentious. Hmmmm...
Here's a shot of the Book Club Babes:
Well...I'm hardly seen without my GoKnit pouch now, so of course I brought the Cotton Classic Jumper with me to make some progress. I also brought a bunch of stuff that I wanted our hostess to photograph for me (my friends are just so kind and talented!). Here a couple shots of current WIP (works in progress)...
Top Down Cardigan for Adachi:
My impending shrug in 3 parts:

Great intellectual conversation that digresses to the funniest levels of silliness at just the right time; yummy refreshments and just the right amount of spirits; surplus guilt-free knitting time and people who will tolerate you going on and on (and on) about it....what more could a woman ask for? Viva la Book Club!!!
Oh! And the book is a great read by the way (Wicked by Gregory Maguire)...maybe I'll finish it by the time the next Club meeting rolls around.
Today's Affirmation: I am the company I keep...and that's a good thing!