Jul 17, 2006

You Know You've Found the Right Hobby When

The mailman brings you this from a person you've never met:

Now I know how the girls feel at birthday and Christmas time. No idea what's inside, but once you get it open, you automatically LOVE IT! These is my 2nd of 2 packages from Carolina Red, my Yarn Swap buddy over at the Knitting Help Forum. I can't say enough great things about the community of knitters and other fiber lovers over there. Check it out for yourself, you won't be sorry!

In other crafty news, I finally have a picture of my most recent project as an amateur seamstress

A size 5 skirt for Adachi with some plain rick rack trim and an elastic waist. This was great practice for pattern reading and adding elastic, etc. And the fact that it's already stained tells me that it will definitely get it's worth in wear.

More project progress pics (say that 5 times fast) coming soon!