One Word - Perfect.
Greetings my dear readers!
I'm dropping a quick note here with just a few words and a smidgen of eye candy. The shots are random, but sometimes that's all you need for a brief distraction, no?
In a few days, my darling husband turns 40, and though he doesn't look a day over 29 - we've decided a celebration is in order. A dear friend is dragging us kicking and screaming on a 5-day cruise to the islands, and we thought it in good taste to accept this gift and go get some sand in our toes.
I'm pretty sure there will be no blog entries until I return late next week - but know that I will come back armed with a renewed spirit - and possibly more eye candy :)
Please watch this. Then watch it again. Then share it. Then share it some more.
This post is about: General
If you're a blogger, you know that sometimes you can get wrapped up in what's going on in your own private space, what your posts are about, what you'll write about next, when you'll get that next set of pictures loaded and captioned. If you're a blogger like me, these things can sometimes take over the brain space that should be reserved for slower, calmer, more open contemplation. And for gratitude.
I read a lot of blogs - even more since I discovered the wonder that is Bloglines. This is my escape at times - a small screen peak into the world of other people that I've grown steadily to like and admire, laugh with and care about. Imagine my joy at taking that peak this week and finding this:
I totally support this kind of cyber love fest, and I'm happy to pass along this award to:
Nancy, Sarah, Deborah, Tiennie, Franklin,
Sean, Mau, Cindy, Mrs4444, Arleta, Sharon
You Make My Day! :)
Let's keep this going...The rules of the award are : Give the award to 10 people (or more) whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.
If I've visited your blog (and even left a comment), believe me, the pleasure was mine to do so! If you're reading this blog (and if you leave comments), you ARE the main reason I keep coming back here to share. Thank you for that. I'll keep writing in the hope that you get back even a fraction of the joy I receive from this.
Happy weekend all!
This post is about: General