New Year, New Look
I'm taking a cue from Del and trying to change up things around here. Hope you like the new scheme. I'll post some updates soon and get all my buttons and do dads back in their place.
Have a great week, and stay warm!
I'm taking a cue from Del and trying to change up things around here. Hope you like the new scheme. I'll post some updates soon and get all my buttons and do dads back in their place.
Have a great week, and stay warm!
This post is about: General
Just a short update post today...I'm knitting, no surprise there. The surprise though is how OFTEN I'm doing it now and how much a part of my life it has become. There are knitting magazines and books with post it flags sticking out of them strewn across my house. There is yarn in at least 3 different rooms. There are knit programs on my remind list for the TV (yes, the satellite service is afraid people). And yesterday, hubby actually told me that he hopes I always put the same level of passion into my knitting as I do now - can you believe that??! This is the stage called Acceptance, and mama likes! (Major bonus points for him! I may even have to actually make him something sometime this year I was so grateful).
I'm reading a particularly good book right now called Beyond Stitch & Bitch. A reflection on knitting and life indeed...and I'm hooked. Small and easy to digest chapters make it easy to pick up and put down, which my life dictates that I do with most books. Alot. I highly recommend this one folks. Yes, Mau - you can skip it darling. I'll give you the highlights.
Knit pics follow...
Here are my birthday goodies from my dearest Sean. Just the right stuff...a very unique and "must be knit" skein of Araucania Atacama Alpaca yarn. Naturally, I want just the right project for this, and I'm taking suggestions!
AND he got me this!
May I just say that a book full of fun patterns and good reading is just the most perfect gift for the knitter who has...err...wants everything. Thanks Sean!
Here's what I'm working on...the Central Park Hoodie from the Fall 2006 Knitscene (back and sleeves shown in the photo). Love. This. Knit.
And here's something I'm calling my Stash Tote because (a) it was knit from leftover yarns in my stash and (b) when it's done and felted, I'm likely to use it to store or carry other yarn skeins from my stash (cuz some of it is just too yummy for Ziplocs, you know what I'm sayin?)
No pattern, I just can't stand to waste even a yard of yarn, so this wool just had to be knit.
That's all the news that's fit to print my dears. Send me sugggestions for my 110yds of Alpaca goodness by shouting me out in the comments. Thanks!
Hello my lovelies,
First, a side story. I'm feeling much better today, and that's saying alot because yesterday was "interesting". Yesterday was Route Canal Day. I can't express how much I dislike dental procedures, except by telling you that I started fretting over this appointment from the moment after I made it about 1 month ago. I tried all weekend to think of a plausible excuse not to go, but couldn't come up with one. Funny how small things make a big difference though...I made it through that appointment yesterday without so much as a tear, and do you know why?? Because I knit.
That's right, my wonderful, super kind, and so very understanding of my "quirkiness" dentist allowed me to listen to my music (loud to drown out the drill) and KNIT. I brought out some stash yarn that's meant to be a felted tote eventually, and I knit to my heart's ease the entire 90 minutes. I only took breaks to spit and rinse, but otherwise that Stockinette stitch went round and round and kept me calm. Music, yoga breathing and knitting (plus the local anesthetic of course) and I was a happy girl! Next Monday, appointment 1 of 2 for my crown...that tote will be done in no time. I've even asked the hygienist if she'll take a few pictures for me, so you can share in my insane...err...ingenious calming technique. At the park on Sunday Adachi said to me, "Mommy, you can knit ANYwhere can't you?". Yes darling, apparently so.
Thanks to my wonderful Sean who tagged me to list 6 Weird Things About Me. Here they are in no particular order:
Still here? Oh good.
On a less weird and much lighter note, behold my score from my trip with KR and Cindy to Knit NY last Thursday:
All good stuff. Currently on the needles, I'm plugging away at the first sweater for the year (for me, can you believe it?). It's the Central Park Hoodie from the Fall '06 edition of KnitScene - more photos of that next post...I've stolen enough of your time for today.
This post is about: Knitting
Hello All!
Just in from 9 days in New Jersey and Atlantic City - worn but intact.
I have several posts in the queue, but just had to put a note out here so you know I haven't disappeared or been eaten alive up by my unknit yarn stash. Since I last posted, Nancy's got another gorgeous creation to share, I've been tagged by Sean, and My Mau has a whole new hot spot that you've just got to visit.
My tag response, more babble and even some pictures await you dear friends! In the mean time - hug someone you love!
This post is about: General
Another great family weekend to report! Drew's surprise 10th Anniversary gift was a trip for all of us to Orlando where we stayed in a really nice hotel and had ourselves a BALL! Get this, the hotel was connected to the mall! As in, you go down to the lobby, pass the Front desk and straight ahead into the Florida Mall. Needless to say my shopping spree commenced pretty quickly (apparently that was part of his plan as well...the dear man). Got some new digs, had a great time in the pool with the girls, and just loved on my hubby as much as I could. Tomorrow I leave for New Jersey, this time for NINE days. Yes, I know. If I have your number and I call you weeping, just remind me how many short days left until I can hug my children again, ok? Thanks, you're a love.
Here's a slideshow of our goings on while we were there.
I even managed to knit in the car all the way there and back - you just gotta love a good book on tape and a spouse who loves to drive!
This post is about: Family