Nov 28, 2006


With relief - in the past 2 weeks, many things have happened that have caused me to drop my shoulders, breathe out and say "Phew! Thank God." And left me with the giddy anticipation of what's next!

My best friend has married the best guy:

Photo slideshow here

I have a new job! I have accepted an offer with a company in New Jersey, and in the way of all things cosmically wonderful, I'll be working with My Kelli again! It would have been hard for any other company to compete with that really.

I'm still knitting away, and since the thermostat in the house is hovering near 68 (that's subzero in Florida), I'm often wearing no less than 3 of my own handknits at once.
Recently I made a wonderfully snug Malabrigo hat (I'm in love with these colors), and a nearly done pair of socks for my NEW nephew (Diallo Linder, born Nov 24th to my SIL).

I've missed you all out here, but the time is short before I'm back to the grind (and hopefully a more regular blogging schedule - such a good release from the corporate commotion, you know?). For the next 2 weeks, I'll be working a little on some side gigs, and lovin on my loved ones.

Job details sometime soon - maybe after my first couple of weeks in December, when I'm sure I'll have some interesting co-worker stories to share.

Waving at you from here!! (With my fingerless gloves pulled on tight!)