Stitch Rock 2008
I posted this while in the air (again), tens of thousands of miles over Middle America. On my way to Nebraska; Omaha to be exact. Nebraska is one of the few states I haven’t yet traveled to on business, and to be honest, I never expected that I would. I had some vague sense that this is one of those primarily residential areas of America. Just families, raising kids. I’ll admit, the vague notion does include some farm imagery, corn fields and what not. Funny how we can make a judgment about a place having never been there. As though the name or isolated stories that take place there can tell you all about an entire state and it’s people. I also suspected that this BrownBerry would stick out there quite easily. You can’t judge a state by it’s travelers either though (I’m the only BrownBerry on this plane), so I don’t find that daunting either.
It will be interesting to see what I see once I’ve landed and looked around a bit. I did find out there is a Yarn Store within 2 miles of my hotel, but I think I’ll have to cool it on the souvenir yarn for a bit. I kid myself into thinking that the work trips will come few and far between and that I won’t be stockpiling the yarns again. Four trips in the last two months has proved me wrong (and the stash is bulging once again).
Lately I haven’t posted many projects, but they have been falling off the needles (and hook) bit by bit. In a moment of insanity brilliance I signed up to be a vendor at Stitch Rock . This celebration of the handmade takes place the first Saturday in October in Delray Beach, FL. Like most good ideas, they are made better when shared, so I’m fortunate enough to have a partner in crafty crime on this one – none other than the indelible Tangodiva (go visit her here or here). She is making the most fabulous hats (yes Miss T, the people will buy them!!). As for me, well….I’m just making stuff. Seriously. I went into this with only a loose plan that I would make some accessories. My good friend Sarah has often encouraged me to just start the designing process, no pressure and no specific plan. Think, create, fudge, fiddle, re-create, rip, repeat. I must say this has worked well for here [again] and [again]. So I’ve been trying it. I’ve flipped through pattern books and trolled Ravelry ad nauseum for inspiration, and my friends – I do believe the bug has bitten me hard. Here is a sampling of the things I’ve come up with so far:
We’re selling under the name Dreads & Curls Designs & Creations

Only 2 months to go (eeeep! The time is flying whoosh!) So I must really get on the ball to build up a sensible inventory – we’ve got a big table to fill. This craft show is part one of a two-part plan I have to start selling some of my original creations. More on part two after the show…
May the fiber fairies be in your corner this weekend! MWAH!