Feb 13, 2006

Starting Early

I've read several stories in my needlework books and magazines about designers and crafters who began their craft very early in childhood, and what good memories they have of learning from a special family member or friend. This inspired me to change up the theme of our regular evening togetherness time. Instead of the usual story or game, I'm going to try teaching the girls how to knit. We've done it 2 nights in a row now, and like all new things they are both so excited about it. Adachi has an amazing memory for a 4-year old, so I taught her this rhyme I found in the SnB knitting book to help her remember how to do each step in making a knit stitch:

"Go inside, get your scarf, bring it back out, before the cat barfs". Here she is practicing it some huge size 19 needles and some Homespun Chunky yarn:

I can't wait to wear this....umm...scarf I'm guessing...when she's all done :-)